Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Who Really Runs The EDL

The man in the middle is Chris Knowles who along with Alan Lake on the right, and Paul Weston on the Left, controls the EDL 

Not many people know that the EDL is run by a group of people connected to the American Zionist community.

This linkage to the EDL is via two organisations ;

1) The International Civil Liberties Alliance


Notable Facebook Group members

2) The Centre For Vigilant Freedom



The Centre for Vigilant Freedom has now renamed itself as the International Civil Liberties Alliance in its public works.
The funding for both of these groups comes via Christine Brim who works for the Centre for Security Policy as US Neo-Conservative / Zionist think tak with links to Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Perle.



Christine Brim is Senior Vice President for Policy and Program Management at the Center for Security Policy. She is also executive director for the Victory Coalition Fund, "an incubator for new projects working against Islamism." Before joining the Center for Security Policy, Brim was a senior associate at the Lexington Institute and the Center for Vigilant Freedom. She received her MBA from George Mason University.[2]
The website of the Center for Vigilant Freedom (which now redirects to the rebranded International Civil Liberties Alliance) was registered to Brim, who gave an email address at the Envoy Group, a private company based in Brim's town of Fairfax, Virginia. [3]

In a November 2007 article, Brim commented on a Haaretz article about Jewish support for Jean-Marie Le Pen. She noted that the Center for Vigilant Freedom had not invited Le Pen to the recent CounterJihad conference, because of his 'current and past positions on Israel, the Holocaust and anti-semitism.'
We suggest looking for the possible movement of Le Pen’s political party Front National towards the center-right, as they may change their platform to pro-active support to improve the situations of European Jews and Israel. The same trend is happening in Austria, and with the BNP in the UK (also not invited and did not attend the conference). If such parties specifically state pro-Israel positions, and take real actions opposing anti-semitism and disavowing previous positions - and reach out to Jewish constituents and encourage Jewish participation in party positions - these are real actions to observe, and to approve. They have not done this yet - but are starting.

The Center for Security Policy is a Washington-based organization set up by the hardline neoconservative Frank Gaffney, who worked in the defence department during the Ronald Reagan era. According to Jim Lobe, it is a "a small think tank funded mainly by U.S. defence contractors, far-right foundations, and right-wing Zionists".[1] It operates with the tagline 'promoting peace through strength', by which they appear to mean that global US dominance is the route to peace.
The Center states its mission as follows:
To identify challenges and opportunities likely to affect American security, broadly defined, and to act promptly and creatively to ensure that they are the subject of focused national examination and effective action.[2]
The Center has run campaigns and research on the subjects of nuclear deterrents, the war of ideas, weapons in space, Islamism and terror, among others.[3] Indeed Frank J. Gaffney Jnr describes his Center for Security Policy as "the special forces in the war of ideas"[4], stating that it has the advantage over a think tank of not being "slow and unwieldy" and being "able to turn around a product in a matter of hours".[5]



During the Carter and Clinton administrations, the group who formed the basis for the Center for Security Policy, the neoconservatives, found themselves in opposition to a Democratic administration with different foreign policy aims and methodologies. Along with the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the CSP became the main bedrock of shadow defence policy during the 1990s.


When George W. Bush, himself a hard-line neoconservative, was elected in the year 2000, members of the Center for Security Policy gained important positions in the administration. Frank Gaffney, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and John Bolton are all names that have become synonymous with the neoconservative agenda and aggressive "War on Terror" foreign policy that has been a feature of the world in the past 8 years, providing much work and profit to companies such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin. The events of September 11, 2001 gave the Center for Security Policy a new impetus to push both its war of ideas and its idea of “America the vulnerable”, building on its "educational video" of 1998 with the same name,[9] and through Gaffney and the CSP’s network of members throughout the administration. Indeed, when Donald Rumsfeld addressed the ‘Keeper of the Flame’ banquet in November 2001 he said of Gaffney, "If there was any doubt about the power of your ideas, one only has to look at the number of Center associates who people this administration — and particularly the Department of Defense — to dispel them."[10] He made this statement in front of a banner proclaiming CSP’s ominous motto of “Peace Through Strength”, suggesting that the CSP was influential in the early stages of the supposed “War on Terror”.

Due to the nature of the CSP and its position as a non-profit organisation funding is acquired through donations made by individuals and other organisations. However, it is the source in which the funding is obtained from that requires a cause for concern. Grants from certain foundations are a particular aspect which portrays the links to other right wing factions.

Since 1988 the CSP has received $6,237,624 in grants from different foundations ranging from $1,000 to $350,000. On some occasions the reason for giving the sum of money is left un-discussed suggesting a somewhat underhand tactic of funding. This is particularly true of the foundations which regularly donate to the CSP. [1]

The Carthage Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Inc. have made regular donations and state that they are funding general operations.

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Inc

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation describes the Foundation's founding as follows:
The Bradley brothers were committed to preserving and defending the tradition of free representative government and private enterprise that has enabled the American nation and, in a larger sense, the entire Western world to flourish intellectually and economically. The Bradleys believed that the good society is a free society. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is likewise devoted to strengthening American democratic capitalism and the institutions, principles, and values that sustain and nurture it. Its programs support limited, competent government; a dynamic marketplace for economic, intellectual, and cultural activity; and a vigorous defense, at home and abroad, of American ideas and institutions.[2]
This kind of stance is dangerous in the hands of a foundation with assets surpassing $700 million. Supporting the CSP is in their advantage as the groups both ascertain that capitalism without the glove would benefit America, or in other words the wealthy minority.[3] So by providing grants to the CSP they obtain a powerful ally which has a high degree of influence over policy-making.

The Sarah Scaife Foundation and the Carthage Foundation

Richard Mellon Scaife has control over these two foundations which regularly donate to CSP. Scaife is well-known for his contributions to “conservative” causes. This may be due to the interest he has over policy regarding his main assets and interests. These are his family’s ownership over Gulf Oil Corporation, ownership of Koppers and Carborundum corporations and participation in the uranium cartel. By 1999, the Washington Post reported that the Scaife Foundations had given $340 million to conservative causes and institutions.[4]


The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs is closely tied to the Center for Security Policy. These two institutions have been likened to the Committee on the Present Danger and their influence in the Carter Administration. A number of the members of both organisations have filtered into governmental positions through the Clinton Administration and maintained the neo-conservative agenda through active pursuit of goals such as support for national missile defense, opposition to arms control treaties, backing of wasteful weapons systems, arms aid to Turkey and American unilateralism. However, central to all these is the current Israeli situation.

Richard Perle and John Bolton are both highly influential members of JINSA and CSP. Perle is a Consultant to the Secretary of Defense and several US multinational companies and Bolton served as the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations from August 1, 2005 to December 9, 2006. The mission statement of the organisation states:
JINSA works to strengthen support for the U.S. military and its ability to meet future challenges and crises. Changes in American military deployments since the end of the Cold War, new deployments in the war against terrorists and the states that harbor and support them, and changes in funding and technology for our forces, require an informed and supportive public. JINSA works to educate its 20,000 members, leading policy makers and the public at large about key policy initiatives and requirements.[5]
War is the agenda that is pursued by JINSA and its members. Michael Ledeen, a highly influential figure in the organisation, stated that "regime change by any means necessary in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority is an urgent imperative. Anyone who dissents -- be it Colin Powell's State Department, the CIA or career military officers -- is committing heresy against articles of faith that effectively hold there is no difference between US and Israeli national security interests, and that the only way to assure continued safety and prosperity for both countries is through hegemony in the Middle East--a hegemony achieved with the traditional cold war recipe of feints, force, clientism and covert action.[6]
JINSA's pursuit of American/Israeli interests in the Middle-East will potentially result in what Michael Ledeen calls "total war".

Project for a New American Century

"We seem to have forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan Administration's success: a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad; and national leadership that accepts the United States' global responsibilities." [7]
The close-ties between the CSP and Project for a New American Century are by far the most prominent. Top officials and influential figures are members or maintain close links with both organisations. These include Frank Gaffney, the founder of CSP, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney amd Donald Rumsfeld.
Once again it is clear that an aggressive pro-military action is clearly on the agenda of these closely-tied organisations. Reference to the Reagan administration in the statement of principles portrays a lust to return to the older ruthless regime. Combined with the continued presence of individuals such as Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney in current government activities, it is clear that the right-wing influence was embedded deep into the Bush II administration.

Weapons manufacturers

Due to the CSP's stance on aggressive military improvement, weapons contractors are keen to support the influential group in lobbying for further advancements to be given the green light, in particular the Star Wars operations.
The biggest beneficiary think tank of Ballistic Missile Defense is Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy, which has received over $2 million in corporate donations since its founding in 1988, mostly from major Star Wars contractors like Lockheed Martin and Boeing.[8]

These corporate donations are then spent on lobbying for higher military spending, enabling weapons manufacturers to profit from government budgets.


The EDL chain of command is as follows ;

A) Christine Brim who set up the Centre For Vigilant Freedom and who works for the Neo-Conservative and Zionist Centre for Security Policy

B) Then we have Chris Knowles the British director of the Centre for Vigilant Freedom who sits on the board of directors of the Centre for Vigiliant Freedom

C) Alan Lake who works with the International Civil Liberties Alliance which was set up by the Centre for Vigiliant Freedom

D) Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson in Rabbi costume and Cris Knowles to the left in baseball cap and glasses.  Roberta Moor in pink to the left.


Ray has in turn made some significant allegations about the role of one Chris Knowles of the Civil Liberties Alliance in establishing the EDL:
The very first meeting in London when Steven Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy” assumed the leadership role of the English Defence League with Chris Knowles (CLA) and others present whose names I have, Jeff Marsh aka Joe Cardiff from Wales was due to attend the meeting but Chris Renton EDL alias John Sheridan prevented him from attending by arranging to meet him about buying hooligan books on the same day.
The Civil Liberties Alliance is a project of the Centre for Vigilant Freedom (CVF), a US-based organisation which has organised a series of counterjihad conferences involving far-right parties from across Europe. Virginia corporate records show that Christopher Knowles has been a director of the Centre since 2007. The list of directors also include two other significant figures:
  • Edward S. May, who as "Baron Bodissey" runs the Gates of Vienna blog, a clearing-house for Islamophobic material from across Europe, from his home in rural Virginia.
  • Christine Brim, a key player in stoking the Park 51 controversy and the Chief Operating Officer of the Center for Security Policy, one of the central think tanks in the US Islamophobia network.
Fear Inc notes of the Center for Security Policy:
In 2009, CSP’s annual revenue was nearly $4 million, and Frank Gaffney’s annual salary was nearly $300,000 as president of the organization. Over the past decade, the Scaife foundations gave CSP nearly $3 million, the Bradley Foundation more than $800,000, the Becker foundations about $375,000, and the Anchorage and William Rosenwald funds about $437,000, with the Fairbrook Foundation contributing smaller amounts. All told, CSP received about $20 million in revenue between 2002 and 2009.
Gaffney and CSP use this money to promote an increasingly paranoid misrepresentation of the threats posed by Islam in America. The baseless accusations peddled by Gaffney and his think tank echo the tactics of Sen. Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s, who claimed that communists had thoroughly infiltrated the federal government of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. But Gaffney’s tactics take a page from the radical religious right as well, conflating all of the followers of a non-Christian religion as enemies of the state and society and then providing talking points that marry the two nonexistent threats. Anders Breivik, the confessed Norway terrorist, cited Gaffney and CSP seven times in his manifesto.

The Centre for Viligant Freedom is a transatlantic extension of the tight Islamophobic network identified in Fear Inc.  In a July 2007 newsletter, the CVF announced it had received a $70,000 donation and called for part-time contractors and volunteers to help build an "international alternative media network" in the US and Europe. The newsletter identified the CVF's UK coordinator as an individual named Chris, using the email address aeneas@vigilantfreedom.com aeneas@vigilantfreedom.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

In the same month, Aeneas left a comment on the Lionheart blog, inviting Paul Ray to become involved in the network.

German YouTube interview with Aeneas appears to show the same individual who Ray claims is Chris Knowles. This individual also appears in a video of a meeting between the EDL leadership and an Australian TV crew.

In June 2010, Aeneas reported on the Counterjihad Zurich conference:
The EDL presentation to the conference, entitled ‘The Anatomy of an EDL Demo’ used the recent demonstration at Newcastle as a case study of street level activism.  The presentation included organisational dynamics, deployment, logistics and transportation, the importance of having productive working relations with the police, the stewarding system, divisional structure, inclusivity of all those who have a stake in or interest in opposing sharia to create a diverse, varied and effective organisation, the networking and social possibilities that are created by demonstrations, opposition tactics, and the issue of merchandising and its relationship to the creation of group identity and organisational presence.
The account of the meeting by Gates of Vienna suggests that the EDL presentation was actually delivered by Aeneas himself.

A number of circumstantial details suggest Chris Knowles and the blogger Aeneas Lavinium are indeed the same person. Both are CVF organisers, both have represented the CVF in Europe and both have the first name Chris.

Paul Ray confirms Chris Knowles is Aeneas Lavinium here ;


Conclusion ;

We can see that the EDL is not just an English protest group opposing Islam, it is a neo-conservative zionist project run and funded by Americans and US organisations linked to the Bush government, American department of defense and US billionaires who want to ensure Islamism is contained globally to defend the United States.

Chris Knowles who works for the Cebtre for Vigiliant Freedom as a director is a true Zionist and friend of America.

The EDL are not just interested in stopping Islam in England, they are part of a global Zionist network run via the Centre for Security Policy.

The Centre for Security Policy sets up organisations like the Centre for Vigiliant Freedom via Christine Brim and then they hire people like Chris Knowles in Britain to help set up groups like the EDL and run them in line with US foreign policy requirements.

As stated above, " Paul Ray has in turn made some significant allegations about the role of one Chris Knowles of the Civil Liberties Alliance in establishing the EDL:
The very first meeting in London when Steven Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy” assumed the leadership role of the English Defence League with Chris Knowles (CLA) and others present whose names I have, Jeff Marsh aka Joe Cardiff from Wales was due to attend the meeting but Chris Renton EDL alias John Sheridan prevented him from attending by arranging to meet him about buying hooligan books on the same day. "

It was Chris Knowles who set up the EDL with Alan Lake at that meeting and put Tommy Robinson in charge.

Christine Brim via her job at the Centre for Security Policy where she runs the Victory Coalition Fund which sets up and sponsors groups like the EDL ensures that anti-Islam movements are established around the world.


Thankfully the Zionists and Neo-Conservatives in America know that the real threat to Britain is not the EDL who they work with and helped set up, but Islam in Britain.



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